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  • AQI

Proposal Submission Guidelines

         SUBMIT A PROPOSAL       

Proposal submission deadline: March 31, 2025

Please have the following information ready before you start filling out the online form. Note that the system times out at 40 minutes. Please save regularly so that you do not lose the information you entered in case you take longer than 40 minutes.
  • Guidelines: These guidelines are applicable for submitting proposal(s) for either the ISO 9000 & Audits World Conference (ISO) and/or the Lean Six Sigma World Conference (LSS). 

  • Who May Submit:This online form may be used by a principal speaker, co-speaker, contact person, or a committee member submitting on behalf of a speaker.

  • Multiple Proposals: You may submit up to 3 proposals. 

  • Conference Registration FeeThe conference registration fee is waived for the principal speaker of accepted proposals.  Co-speakers will receive a 20% discount for the conference that they are presenting at.

  • Travel Expenses: Speakers are responsible for their travel expenses and arrangements.

  • Length of Presentations: Majority of technical sessions are typically 35 minutes.

    1)  Which Conference? Please tell us which conference you would like to be considered. If you select both, then the Review Committee will decide where the presentation fits in best.

    2) Topic/Proposal Title: 8 to 80 characters including spaces. Title should not include any "Trademark" or "Registered" symbols. Please note that the Conference reserves the right to revise a proposed title.

    3) Level: Please select the most appropriate level for the audience. 

    Basic: Providing core concepts
    Intermediate: Going beyond core concepts
    Advanced: Providing in-depth information
    All Levels

    4) Keywords: Please include three keywords 15 to150 characters, including spaces. Please enter keywords separated with a semicolon, for example: Management; Quality; Integration.

    5) Industry Sector: Please select all that apply.

    6) Abstract:  The Abstract should identify the major concepts you wish to present. It must be in text format only, and may not include graphs, tables, or charts. The "Abstract Field" may only be associated with the principal Speaker. The Abstract field will pop out as soon as you answer Question 1 as "Principal Speaker," "Contact Person," or a "Committee Member." The "Abstract Field" will not be visible to "Co-Speakers" since there can only be one abstract per proposal, and that will be associated with the Principal Speaker.

    Abstracts should be 1,500 to 3,000 characters (note that it is "Characters", NOT "words").

    7) Principal Speaker's Biography should be between 1,500 to 3,000 characters (note that it is "Characters", NOT "words").

    8) Principal Speaker LinkedIn or Public Profile: Please provide link(s) to the LinkedIn profile or any other public profile.

    9) Principal Speaker's Photo (optional): Please upload a high resolution color photo with plain background (minimum 600 dpi). A rule of thumb for file size is 500 KB or more. Professional attire is required for the photo. Please use the last name of the speaker at the beginning of the file name. You may upload more than one photo. File must be submitted as an image file such as GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, or TIFF.

    10) Co-Speaker: Please indicate if there will be a Co-Speaker.  Please note that only one Co-Speaker is allowed per proposal. Co-Speakers will receive a 20% discount for the conference at which they are presenting.

    If you have a co-speaker you will be asked to provide the following information about your co-speaker. Prefix, First Name, Co-Speaker Middle Initial, Co-Speaker Last Name, Co-Speaker Email, Phone, Job, Title, Company, Address, City, Zip/Postal Code, State/Province, Country

    11) Champagne Networking Facilitator: Please indicate the topic and a description.  Champagne Networking sessions will be 20 minutes long. Description should be between 500 to 1500 words.

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